Happy Mother's day! Most beautiful weekend ever! Gorgeous weather, food, and friends. On Friday, I watched Vicky Donor. Hilarious! My only complaint is Bollywood thinks of only Punjabis when making movies. This movie was also shot in Delhi. On Saturday, we attended a baby shower and today was Mother's day which we celebrated with a buffet brunch. Now I have a severe headache from all the overeating. Today's song of the day, no points for guessing, is dedicated to ALL Moms, who know the pains of raising a child. My mother was, is and probably will be a huge influence for me, all through my life.
Main Kabhi Batlata Nahin
Par Andhere Se Darta Hoon Main Maa
Yun To Main, Dikhlata Nahin
Teri Parwaah Karta Hoon Main Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Hain Na Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Meri Maa
Aamir Khan the man with a Midas touch, completely bowled all of us with this song. A new sense of respect for a mother was awakened in all Indians.
Greeting cards make millions of people happy everyday all around the world. The picture above is a typical scene in a greeting card shop today. There is a card for every occasion. In fact, within a category, there are so many cards that it gets confusing to pick the perfect card that says exactly what we have in mind. Nevertheless, there is great joy in giving and receiving cards. For people who cannot express their thoughts clearly in words, greeting cards are a boon in disguise. When I was in college, I know of a boy, who gave 21 greeting cards to a girl that he cared for on her 21st B'day. Wow! wonder what the boys thinks if that action now? The tradition of writing letters is age old. In olden days people used pigeons to send messages to each other. This clearly shows that this is a tradition that will stay till the end of time. Thanks to ever evolving technology, it's becoming easier and easier to send greeting cards to each other. E-cards help save trees and time. I personally feel, that greeting cards can never take the place of a hand written note. I feel so happy when my kids give me cards that they create at school. I received one from Rohit on Friday for mothers day. The personal touch of a hand written card means everything to me. A hand written note is not as easy as going to a store and picking up a card. The person would have actually sat down and spent considerable amount of time writing things keeping you and ONLY you in mind. Sadly, gone are those days. I can't remember when I last wrote a card to someone.Today, there is Face book, that gives a reminder about upcoming Birthdays. Not the same, but now more people wish you and it definitely feels good. Ultimately, in today's fast paced times, anything that can make life simpler is worth pursuing. Be it e-messages or even e -cards.
Main Kabhi Batlata Nahin
Par Andhere Se Darta Hoon Main Maa
Yun To Main, Dikhlata Nahin
Teri Parwaah Karta Hoon Main Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Hain Na Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Meri Maa
Aamir Khan the man with a Midas touch, completely bowled all of us with this song. A new sense of respect for a mother was awakened in all Indians.

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